Newest Blog Entries

I'm almost done, and I'm definitely out of love. I don’t mean to sound selfish, but after jumping into the sharing economy with gusto, just as I leaped onto dating sites when separated and divorced, I'm slowly pulling away. Less kiss and tell and share.  I made several new online relationships, but it's time to shut down some of the sharing venues 10 years after I started posting personal snippets about my life online, reading about others, and critiquing places.  Extreme? Some friends and family may think so, after regularly reading about my latest adventures, seeing photos of my family,...

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At this time of year, don't just write a check, roll up your sleeves, find your voice and do good!  It’s a new year and we are among those who feel that one person can make a difference even in a world beset by so many problems. Each of us wants to leave the world a better place than we found it. We have kids and grandkids. Now’s our chance to foster change.  As baby boomers, we envision these years as an extraordinary opportunity to volunteer and make a difference in so many ways--not just by writing checks but by...

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You’re talking to your daughter on the phone and she tells you that her boyfriend bought her a printer for her birthday. Do you jump in and say: “How could he give you something electronic? What ever happened to flowers, jewelry or at least candy?” Judgmental or opinionated?   Your friend orders eel at a sushi restaurant. You roll your eyes and when the sushi arrives, you make a face and say: “Yuck, not for me.”   Judgmental or opinionated?   You eat at an upscale NYC diner and order a grilled cheese sandwich with fries. A friend asks what you ate for...

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There are many times when being a spectator is a choice--watching the U.S. Open with a great view of Court 1 and surrounding visitors. Maybe, you'll catch a glimpse of one of the Williams' sisters or some other celebrity. Or how about attending a scintillating lecture on art you love to collect, listen to a lively U.S. Presidential debate or some glorious classical music. How lucky can you get?  However, when you're out to dinner with friends and little of the conversation has to do with you--not even a morsel about what you're doing or how your family is, you...

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We all have times. You lose your job. You’re dumped by a boyfriend of five years. You don’t win the lottery. Your kid doesn’t get into the college of his choice. It's impossible not to experience disappointment if you have a life such as friendships, romantic liaisons and business relationships. And as you turn age 50plus, the disappointments mount and get more serious. Losses of loved ones through death or divorce, as we know all too well.     Some of the biggest disappointments happen in relationships where everybody has different expectations, which often aren't verbalized sufficiently or clear enough...

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