Newest Blog Entries

So many things we do require patience whether something as ordinary as brushing our teeth with an electric toothbrush for two minutes (BORING), working hard to meet a deadline, babysitting our grandchildren, volunteering to tutor a pre-teen, figuring out the best way to deal with the current political situation, or listening to our kids vent to us on the phone and not judge them.  However, as we have aged, our patience has been playing hide and seek. It comes and goes sort of like a love affair. We fall in love and want to stay but that isn’t always the...

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Dear Nolan, We ran out of time. Your life ended too soon on that beautiful spring morning in 2011. I spent the night before sleeping in your hospital room on a recliner next to your bed. A hospice nurse kindly told me she didn’t think you’d live through the night. I was unable to close my eyes as I listened to your labored breathing, terrified at the thought it would stop. I climbed up and snuggled next to you, kissed you on the cheek, and whispered, “Nolan, I love you very much.” Two hours later, you slipped away after our...

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Some of us are morning people. We jump out of bed eager to begin our day. Rise and shine. Others moan and groan and are grouchy until they have their first--or second--cup of coffee. Regardless of our wake up mood du jour, each of us needs a good reason to get up and get going come a new day.    Many of the people we’ve interviewed over the years who feel productive and positive about their lives say they wake up happy and hopeful. They can’t wait to get up and get started. What is the common denominator? In most...

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This blog is in homage to all the single people out there. Couples of the world, we have a proposal: Why not be a sport and include a single in your  dinner plans--and even on a Friday or Saturday "date" night. The single person will be eternally grateful.  We've written about this topic before—singles left out--but we believe it's worth stressing again. This world is made for twosomes, and we can probably blame it on Noah when he told the animal kingdom to send two of each kind to his ark.  Here’s a typical scenario. Those who are divorced or...

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Barbara is fearful of bats and things that crawl. She can peg the bat phobia to her Maine sleep-away camp days when they were commonplace in their bunks because of the many pine trees outdoors. They ducked under their sheets and blankets and prayed they wouldn’t get into their hair. A recent sighting in her home sent her flying, literally, not under the covers but into another room. She now has a bat/wildlife expert on her speed dial. She also has a pest control company that visits every other month for the creepy crawlies that periodically show up but mostly...

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