Newest Blog Entries

  When most of us hear the term investments, we immediately think of money: invest in our retirement funds, put money in our savings accounts or CDs, our homes, antique cars, wine, jewelry, good art, our kids’ or grandkids’ college savings plans. It’s all about the almighty dollar. Invest, invest, invest. Your money will grow. You will be OK in old age. We concede that investing money is important but this blog addresses investing in a different guise. Why not take the same mindset about money and invest in ventures without a monetary return, all the social, psychological and physical...

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We try. We try really hard. We grew up hearing our parents utter the cliché: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again… Ok. We try. And it sounds good until we try so hard we become a nuisance.   Imagine this scenario. Case #1: You’ve tried to reach an editor, manager or colleague to hear back that they’ve read and edited your story or report. After reaching out several times, doing so has the opposite effect and they get annoyed or even tell you you’re acting unprofessionally! Or they may not tell you but think it.  Here’s another,...

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  Most of us have secrets we’d rather not share, hidden away in a pocket of our minds like ghosts that haunt us.We all have secrets, says psychotherapist Jill Davis, MSSW, with a private consulting practice assisting pre-med and medical students. “We have a public persona and the person we are within our families, which is often messier. We try to keep hidden the less likeable parts of ourselves to be better liked, more esteemed, or more admired, depending on the qualities (admiration, being seen as kind or easy-going etc.) that safeguard our ego and pride in the public arena.” ...

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  Many of us want to be taller, smarter, prettier, more athletic, handier, savvier, funnier, more present, calmer, more patient, more technologically proficient, younger looking. The list goes on. But change is really tough to do as we age.This isn’t about seeking perfection. It’s just an assessment—a hard look if you will-- of who we are at this point in our lives. Most of us accept who we are or work to tweak the little things. Afterall, aging has taught us the value of imperfection and its rewards. It’s not about lowering our standards but about acceptance and understanding that...

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“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore,” yells crazed Peter Finch’s character Howard Beale in the iconic movie, Network. Beale’s rant seems to resonate with many of us these days.Guess what? We don’t have to take it if we change how we view the world. Believe it, there is plenty to feel good about right now that merits our attention, according to Ben Samuels and Julie Roland, who write for in a blog dated: Nov. 18, 2024 titled, What to feel good about right now.Yes, our anxiety is on overdrive with high prices, the...

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