Newest Blog Entries

Death is not something we like to talk about much or to be honest, at all.   But as we continue to react to the horrific murder of 17 children and teachers in Parkland, Fla., this past February, we are reminded of all the other mass murders in schools and public places in this country and abroad. And we decided it’s time to address some important issues around the subject. Too often this terrible but incontrovertible fact of life—that we all are going to die, though hopefully in a less traumatic way—is taboo.  As we’ve each sadly learned, death may...

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When I was young and most of my friends were starting our careers or in graduate school, we tended to ask for separate checks when dining out. It was just the way we did it then.  However, when my former husband and I began to earn more, we decided it wasn’t worth bringing forth our calculator to figure out if your salmon en croute was more expensive than my burger and fries or what to do about the extra glass of expensive red burgundy you drank versus my virgin tomato juice.  Then there was the matter of the tip. You...

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We're going to be somewhat counterintuitive. While so many of us this time of year struggle to come up with our list of resolutions to be healthier, more financially prudent, and certainly kinder, we are here to suggest that it’s okay to indulge. We know what you’re thinking. In theory we concur with the concept of forgoing indulgences. However, when life at times becomes boring and overwhelming with the shootings and shortness of life in our face, we say, “indulge yourself.” Now may be a propitious time as we’re being bombarded with so much information that is making many of us...

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In our last blog we shared that we fear we are beginning to lose some of our hearing at certain decibels and at certain distances from someone speaking. It’s tough to admit this, even when you’re way past 50, but we each find ourselves turning up the volume more frequently, replaying parts of dialogue on TV shows—and trying to rationalize that it’s the person’s accent or that they were mumbling. And we find ourselves asking many we’re talking to, “What did you say? I didn’t catch the beginning of the conversation,” when we’re being polite. At other times, we simply...

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We are here to say that we have a new-found compassion for the plight of the hearing challenged. Why now? Because, difficult as it is to admit, we have joined these ranks. We now find ourselves having to turn up the volume on the TV and car radio, crane our necks to hear what people are saying, step closer to people when we converse, and even read their lips.    And though we really hate to share this, we are since you may be experiencing the same challenges. We need each other’s help! Sadly, we find ourselves responding more and...

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