Newest Blog Entries
Guest Blogger: 5 Tips for Jumpstarting Your Dating Life After 50
#1 Begin by making your own happiness a priority! What does this have to do with dating? When you’re happy, you glow. When you glow, men are attracted to you. Happiness begins inside you and is complimented by the good man you meet. Get your inner mojo fired up by finding things to do on a daily basis that make you happy. This can be as simple as buying a new book you’ve wanted, or taking a bubble bath and reading a book. It just has to make you happy. That’s all that counts. #2 Create a Single Girlfriends List. When my...
Most FAQ After the Loss of My Spouse
After I lost my husband four years ago, I was subjected to a barrage of questions from close friends and many acquaintances: How are you doing? Are your kids OK? How are you doing financially? Thinking about moving out of your home? What do you do on weekends when you’re alone? But the one question most often asked was: Are you dating yet? And then the questioner would be all ears anxiously waiting for my answer. I would respond vehemently, “No way,” while shaking my head “No” vigorously, smiling politely, then changing the subject. I lost my husband all too soon. Meltdowns several...
Part IV: Dumped Divorcee
On a dark summer night, Beamer wearing all black—turtleneck and Eileen Fisher (baggy) pants, an oversized pair of sunglasses that covered most of her face, and a midnight black knit stocking cap pulled down to her nose that made her look like the senior version of a cat burglar, rented a Mini Cooper and drove the 250 miles to Sam Tate’s gated community. She waited for someone else to open the gate then followed fast and entered his million- dollar modernist condo complex. She parked, checked the door, which hadn’t been locked—he was always so confident, walked gingerly across his...
Part II: Coats of Too Many Colors
Everyone says paint is the easiest change artist and cheapest in your decorating tool box. It’s just paint, for heavens sake. That may be for the folks at Farrow & Ball, Sherwin-Williams, Benjamin Moore, and all the other paint companies that mix colors so effortlessly, debut a new paint color or two every year, and get to stay up all night drinking wine at focus groups and coming up with clever monikers–Bunny Gray, Heartthrob, Lucky Green, to name just three. However, don’t think for one second that selecting a paint color is an easy magic bullet. It can be a...
Ode to a Proficient Contractor
“‘Beauty is truth; truth, beauty’–that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” When John Keats wrote his famous “Ode to a Grecian Urn,” these two iconic lines affirm the equation of beauty and truth, and in doing so, acknowledge the geometry of superb and lasting art as the urn. Although this blog is not a poem and it certainly isn’t about art, per se, my prose and praise is analogous to Keats’ sentiments vis-à-vis the way I feel about my new bathroom… and the skilled craftsman, Jason, who transformed it from old, ugly, and dark...