Newest Blog Entries

Every day, we make dozens of decisions. Some are minor like what to cook for dinner and whether to take a walk after a morning working at our computer. Or maybe we should head out in the afternoon when our work is done. Some are clear cut. Should I have chocolate or fruit after dinner tonight? The fruit is healthier, but you crave the chocolate. However, it could result in a painful migraine the next day. Here, the consequences make the decision a no brainer. We have knee pain. It’s our meniscus. We’ve tried PT, stem cell injections and other...

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We've written about the new year as a time to make our obligatory resolutions in our quest to be a better person. They can be about almost anything. However, coming up with resolutions and sticking to them can be exhausting and challenging. How soon do we break ours, pretty quick! So this year we're turning the tables. Rather than sharing our resolutions, these are ones we hope others will make (and, yes, some apply to us). The point is that this blog is a twist on the usual for the end of the year and beginning of the new year...

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Who doesn't love presents? Well, one of us does (Barbara) and one tends to pooh-pooh the entire gift-giving notion (Margaret). But since it's that time of the year, we are making our lists. We're also cutting back now that inflation is still looming, and gas recently ramped up again close to the $4 mark in Barbara's village, though lately it dropped down a bit. Margaret no longer owns a car. Try not to be upset if you don't receive a lovely gift from us; we send all our family members, friends and readers a wish for happiness, health and good...

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When Margaret was little, she had an uncle who always held court at holiday time, receiving endless praise from relatives gathered around the table. He was a major philanthropist to many political, cultural and social causes. Having an audience was one way he marked his many accomplishments.  When most of us succeed at something—a book or an article is published, we lose weight and are healthier and look and feel better, we get into a special program, find a new job, go into remission from cancer, train and finish a marathon, killed it in an audition and got a part,...

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This was never top of mind for us. Growing up, Margaret's mother preached: "Pretty is as pretty does." Why spend countless hours preening and piles of money to do so? But this was the pre-internet and social media era.  Social media first popped onto our screens as a digital informal exchange in 1997 with something called Six Degrees. Facebook made its debut in 2004 with others to follow. When social media morphed into a social and cultural platform in 2005, it became a virtual gathering place. It was egalitarian. Anyone, famous or not, had a soapbox to be noticed and...

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