Newest Blog Entries

We all make mistakes. It’s so easy to do. What’s harder is to admit some of them to others. Here are a few ones to start and what to do: You use the wrong word or tense of a verb in conversation. Let it go! You inadvertently hurt someone’s feelings. Walk in their shoes and apologize promptly without excuses. You make a recipe and accidentally leave out the eggs. It’s mush. Throw it out and have a good laugh. Or, you make a recipe and leave out some butter. Try it; it may not make a difference. You flunk your...

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We're back!  Sorry our blog didn't go out last Friday, but we had a website glitch.  We think we are so smart these days as we age. As the saying goes, “With age comes wisdom.” This got us thinking about what we would now tell our younger selves since as aging adults we are able to see through the lens of experience and time with a better focus. Would we eat better? Exercise more? Get married or not? Have children or not? Spend more time with family? Work less? Work more? Move? Stay put? Compromise rather than argue and expend...

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We’ve been thinking how different the generations view certain ways of doing things and even some of our peers do as well. We’ve also come to see how life-altering events such as the pandemic have changed what we might do now versus just three years ago.  We came up with our top 10 examples that reflect our practices and how we might tweak what we do to be more proper and kinder. Some of the etiquette of days gone by have become passe.  See if you agree—or not.  Giving occasion gifts. The gift-giving rule of thumb for weddings and other events...

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Note: We blogged on this topic in April 2020. But Covid-19 has brought the “equality of labor in the home” factor to the fore. This blog updates our original one with old and new information. We believe this is an important topic and one we might all want to discuss with our offspring if they’re in romantic relationships. We grew up in an era where there was a division of labor in our homes. Usually, the man did the messy inside and outside stuff—dishes, garbage, fixing the toilet and changing light bulbs, yardwork and maybe grilled—and cleaned the grill afterward.  The...

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We think we should receive big kudos for serving up some of the brightest, most ingenious ideas for stretching our food budgets. We are happy to share them in this blog. But before we do, certain questions hang in the air like tiny food particles: Is it tacky to cut back on food costs? Will you be found out and people laugh and point at you? Most important, is it worth the effort?  But before hitting the food fix button, be sure you have examined the short—and long-term results of this endeavor. Yes, it’s a method to save money and...

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