Newest Blog Entries
When You’re Smiling, the Whole World Smiles with You…Maybe!
We’d like to start a Smile Project. Remember the song: “When You’re Smiling, The Whole World Smiles With You.” A smile can be like a warm blanket or a familiar song. It’s amazing the effect it can have on you, personally, and on those with whom we interact. How and when to smile might take some practice, but it’s so worth it. Physically, a smile lifts the face and can, temporarily, smooth away wrinkles in your aging face. Equally important, a smile makes you approachable. It exudes friendliness and charm. It makes the other person see your warmth and feel...
Putting Things off for Tomorrow? Try to Live in the Present
We’re not getting younger. Heed this truism: Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Time is ticking away. Live in the moment: Grab onto happiness There are places to visit, meals to eat, sights not to miss. Occasions to attend. New people to meet. Dates to go on and, ugh!, homes to clean, bills to pay and taxes to prepare and pay. Children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews with whom to spend time. Get that annual checkup; don’t put it off. If something’s wrong, find out in the early stage. Visit your dentist at least twice a year....
It’s Your Body. Ask the Right Questions When Hit With a Medical Diagnosis
You have a CT scan for a broken pelvis. The radiologist sees a suspicious spot on an ovary. More tests are ordered. The results are not what you hoped to hear. But nothing is conclusive “until we go in and look or biopsy,” the doctor says. More anxiety while you wait. Afterward, he suggests immediate surgery to have all your parts removed. What! You’re in shock. Do you listen blindly? Nod yes and say, “Whatever you suggest doctor; you’re the boss.” Some of us had parents who never questioned a doctor’s opinion. Our generation is a bit more educated and...
Traditions & the Purpose They Serve
Last fall we read in the New York Times an article, “Shabbat is a Salve, and a Scene: Jewish or not, more young people seem to be celebrating the shabbat at gatherings (Nov. 30, 2022).” Those who are non-Jewish are joining in to experience Shabbat as a way to connect with new folks of all religions. It becomes a special time, as the Times article says, to “unplug and connect with family and friends.” It's also the start of a new non-sectarian tradition among young adults. And why not? Sharing holidays and traditions offer a greater sense of inclusiveness, and we’re all for that,...
How to Voice Your Opinion & Be Heard Without Your Blood Pressure Rising
We both like to voice our opinions and will do so if we feel it’s justified. However, we allow a lot to slide to avoid confrontation, hurt feelings, stomachs in knots or rising blood pressure. We try to do so with calm and grace. But….when a steak we ask to have cooked medium rare may have been cooked too well done, we voice our distaste. Worse might be sharing it with a server and having the wait person offer an excuse: “Oh, our chef isn’t feeling so well tonight,” or “We’re sorry but we don’t want to serve undercooked...