Newest Blog Entries

Work from home remotely is the new mandate of many companies as the coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads with lightning speed. Though many can work anywhere in their home—from their lap in a living room or bedroom, many prefer a dedicated workspace.   Houzz, the home renovation and design platform, recently polled its community and found that a quarter of respondents who work from home sit at a dining or kitchen table and one in 10 work from their sofa. That can prove challenging for many reasons, from not having quiet and privacy or a strong WI-FI connection or just a comfortable...

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Our grown kids and siblings care about our well-being. Ours reminded the two of us that we need to avoid public places and large crowds while the Coronavirus spreads and takes its course. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warning is that anyone older—age 60 plus-- should remain indoors as much as possible. That’s us. So, as a help to keep ourselves busy, happy and hopefully healthy, we’ve come up with 20 ideas to ward off cabin fever while we stay inside. Share yours. We’re all in this together. Here’s to everyone’s health.    Marie Kondo at least one room...

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Living in NYC is a tectonic shift for someone who spent most of her life in St. Louis, MO. Moving here takes courage, a sense of adventure, instinct, a bit of knowledge and a certain cunning—walking fast, not making eye contact with strangers, learning where things are, where to shop and where not to go, where to walk alone especially at night and where it might not be safe, and which busses or subways to take. I no longer have a car—a relief—and rely on my two legs or public transportation. Mostly, if going a fair distance, I opt to...

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Enjoy experiences not stuff; the memories are far more permanent Be kind(er) than you think necessary; practice little acts of kindness that cost you nothing Mix up your friendships to be more diverse. Also, make friends of various age groups—it makes your life more interesting Get out of your comfort zone not just thinking about it but doing it. Make a change. Declutter, eat or cook something new, travel to a new place, collect what you really want, try a hobby or activity you’ve never done before, make a new friend or two or extricate yourself from a toxic friendship,...

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On a chilly Friday as the sun negotiates the cloudy afternoon sky, I walk to the Jewish Community Center (JCC) on the Upper West Side of New York City to bake holiday cookies with a group of strangers for homeless and underserved seniors. Security is heavy at the door as I hand over my cell phone and keys, open my purse for inspection of the contents and walk through an X-ray machine. I take the elevator down to the building’s sub-basement and enter a smallish room called the Patti Gelman Culinary Arts Center where four baking stations await us. The...

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