Newest Blog Entries
Paper Trail Can Lead Readers Down the Wrong Path
A paper trail can be useful when you need proof of a purchase, want to save a phone number or address or keep something kind or special someone has written to you. There’s a downside, however. Sometimes, the written word or more likely words that touch on touchy subjects or unclarified plans may lead to misunderstandings, hard feelings and worse—even the end of a friendship or relationship. It’s hard to take back words once put down on paper or in an email when written with an angry edge--or an edge that’s interpreted that way. When two people speak on the...
Let’s Be Honest; There’s a Little Snobbery in Each of Us
Nobody likes a snob—except, perhaps, other snobs. Yet, on some level, there’s a bit of snobbery in each of us. The topic came up after Margaret reread recently Little Dorrit, a Dicken’s novel that satirizes the British class system with its hierarchy and titles. This got us thinking about what it means to be a snob. Down deep, we think snobbery is borne of insecurity that surfaces as the “I am better than you” syndrome. Put someone down and maybe you feel better. Or do you? Snobs come in a variety of shapes, sizes and forms. There are wine snobs....
Me? Am I Invisible? Nah, Just Keep Talking about You!
Have you ever been with someone—perhaps a person you haven’t seen in ages—and all they do is talk about themselves? They never stop long enough to ask you anything about you. It seems we've experienced more me-isms of late. Although we’re good listeners who typically don’t like talking about ourselves, except when our books require touting, we really enjoy hearing about you and what you're up to. Honestly. But please. We’re not invisible. A couple who met Margaret and her then new boyfriend--post her late husband’s death—spent the entire evening blabbing about themselves, their business, their kids and grandkids. They...
Romance Can Become a Weighty Issue
I hate to admit this, but romance can lead to more than a pitter patter in your heart and head. As we begin to turn up the heat, our waistbands may start to expand as the pounds mount--and lots of them. I’ll explain why. I’ve seen this happen to me since the guy, “Fixup,” I’ve been dating loves to eat, cook at home, and dine out. Food has become one of the main ingredients in the feast and fuel of our romance. The pounds started piling on with the pizzas and toppings Fixup and I made each Saturday for...
20 Things We Can't Live Without
There are huge events in our lives that removed those we love. Top on Margaret’s list---her husband who died six years ago. Barbara lost a great deal when after a 31-year-marriage her husband walked out. Most recently, she lost the use of her right dominant arm and hand. That is temporary, of course, but for now it’s a gargantuan loss. So, the other day, when we were feeling sorry for ourselves we shifted gears. In the spirit of healthy thinking, we started to dwell on what we have and our blessings. This quickly segued into all the things in life...