Newest Blog Entries

Hi readers,  Today, we are writing every intimate, nosey, pesky detail we know about each of you in this week's blog.  Did we get your attention?  April Fools!  Every year, when it's April 1 and you don't realize it--whoever knows the date these days as one day runs into the next, there's usually someone who gets you with a joke or prank.  There's no work today. April Fools.  Your kids are off school. April Fools.  Your car is missing in the garage. April Fools.  When we were kids, we loved this day so we could joke with our friends at...

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  Have you ever hit a wall? Well, our friend "A" and her honey did. They were going stir crazy in their New York City Upper East Side apartment looking at the same four walls day in and day out. In the spirit of caution during the height of the pandemic, the pair had quarantined in their home for some 730 days. We could relate. However, once the pandemic abated a bit in early February, they donned their K95 surgical masks and headed down the block to a swanky hotel for some new-wall therapy. The room was the size of...

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As we age, many of us have become huge creatures of habit. And when we thought about our habits--eating the same foods with the same ingredients, taking the same route when we walk or run, going to the same theaters and restaurants and often with the same people, we realized we have almost always done things the same way to some extent.  However, we've become more entrenched as we head into year No. 3 of COVID-19. It's not just because we're old, though we are. It's also because we need the rootedness that comes with knowing the old and familiar...

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Grudges. We feel hanging on to one in our heads is the mental equivalent of a hoarder holding on to junk in the attic. Many of us have experienced the feeling, according to the typical definition that it's similar to anger and great hurt that lingers and is sometimes ready to boil over when provoked for different reasons. Some carry a grudge (or grudges) around like an extra 100 pounds; others lug it around in smaller quantities. Some grudges consume a person, and they become so exasperated they want to share it with others. Other grudges are dulled through the...

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We’re not exactly the bourgeois bohemians to whom Huey Lewis and the News were alluding in their “Hip to be Square” anthem. However, we pride ourselves on being square yet in the know or hip up to a point.  We’re good researchers and reporters who read a lot. We loved subscribing to People magazine years ago, so we could keep up on the latest celeb gossip and palace intrigue, then about the threesome: Prince Charles, Princess Diana and Camilla.  Through the years as we aged, our interest in celeb-oriented publications waned. We’d pick up a copy of People at the...

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