Newest Blog Entries
Advice Fit for a King: Five Steps to Transition to the Throne
You never get over the death of a parent, even if it is the Queen of England and you've inherited the role, thanks to the rules of primogeniture. The longer a mother (or father) lives, the harder it is to say goodbye-not only to the parent-but to the last vestiges of your former, somewhat, independent life. In the case of Charles, the world saw him go from prince to king when his mother took her last breath. We've lost parents. As a result, we have good advice to offer a member of the Royal family, once again. More...
How to Spot a Runaway Husband
By Vikki Stark, PsychotherapistAuthor of Runaway Husbands: The Abandoned Wife's Guide to Recovery and Imagine that you're happily settled in a long-term marriage. You trust your husband implicitly. The two of you are busy with normal stuff--organizing a holiday celebration, renovating a bathroom, planning a barbecue for the family and thinking longer term about a vacation far away. Now imagine that one ordinary day, he comes home from work and says, "It's over. I'm leaving right now and moving in with my girlfriend." How would you feel? This is the reality for women across the world who have...
How to Be a Good Host: It’s the Kind & Welcoming Thing to Do
Are you the hostess with the mostess? Is your home, which may at times have so many visitors that it seems more like an inn, warm and welcoming, or frantic? Both of us live in popular areas for visitors, and we tend to host many folks, which we enjoy doing (most of the time). With fall in the air and Covid numbers down, family and friends are eager to travel. In some areas, such as Barbara's in New York's upstate Hudson Valley, fall is a gorgeous time and even better now with more available airline seats at better prices, fewer...
Now What? Tough financial & other issues partners fail to discuss before one dies
Sometimes, it happens in a flash. It was a beautiful spring afternoon when Eileen got a call from the police in her community. "I have bad news," the officer said. "Your husband had a stroke on the golf course. We've taken him to the nearest hospital. Why don't you meet us there?" Unfortunately, he died a week later. Eileen and her husband had been married 45 years. He was the chief financial officer and household manager for their family. He invested, managed finances, wrote checks, met with the plumber and electrician, insurance agent and accountant. He negotiated the buying and...
So, You Need a New Doctor? Here’s What to Do
Last week we addressed all those maladies that affect us, especially as we age. This week we share how to find experts for those and bigger challenges. It was so easy in the old days when we were growing up to go to one doctor who handled all ailments and illnesses. He was the family physician who often knew us personally and was available 24/7. Many had treated our parents and even made house calls. This type of doctor was showcased in movies and on TV. There was Dr. Richard Kildare, Dr. Marcus Welby, Dr. Ben Casey or Dr. Doug...