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My mother loved the village and town in Westchester County, N.Y., where she and my father moved in 1953. He died in 1992, and she stayed until 1995 when she decided suburban life as a widow was too lonely for her. The village and town in Westchester County, N.Y Also, the challenge of putting on a new roof was too much, she said, so she picked up and moved to New York City—25 miles away. There she remained until she died a year ago at almost 101 years. However, those years in a bucolic suburb were among her happiest, along...

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  I march down West End Avenue in New York City and swing right onto 72nd Street early on a Sunday morning. I am volunteering with what is called the National Council of Jewish Women’s “Back 2 School Store” on Manhattan's west side. I thought it would be a great opportunity to interact with young kids and their families and possibly meet some new people in my adopted city after moving from St. Louis two years ago. It is a glorious day. Cloudless and cool. The bright blue-sky glistens as I enter the four-story NCJW building on a busy street...

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As my older daughter neared the end of her first pregnancy, I began to think about what I might cook to feed her and her husband when they brought the baby home—to nourish them and friends who would be visiting to greet their new arrival (vaccinated and masked, of course). Food plays a starring role at gatherings in both of their heritages—one Jewish and one Irish Catholic. And my daughter has become more sentimental about our family food traditions, even those she didn’t like as a child. But her taste buds and culinary standards have advanced beyond my kitchen. She...

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Note: It's starting to get chilly and what better way to warm up and ward off colds and flu than a steaming bowl of chicken soup? A different version of this blog with the same recipe appeared recently on the website Eat, Darling, Eat--Mothers and Daughters, Stories and Recipes (  It’s a Monday morning, and my elder son calls. He’s coughing and complains of a sore throat. He’s about to get on an airplane for a business trip. “I think I’m getting a cold,” he says, as he coughs again. He has done the required COVID-19 testing to make sure he...

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Neither of us is a technological whiz. What an understatement! We know what we have to know to do our writing, Zoom, use our Smartphones to email and text with friends and family. In Margaret’s case, she can operate certain tools to tutor virtually. Barbara can use a tablet to enlarge and see photographs well for her watercolor paintings. Before the pandemic, we both would say frequently, “We hate technology” or “It’s definitely not our friend,” as one person we knew urged us to do, as we fumbled to learn a new technique or download an app.  However, during the...

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